Solar made easy and effective

Complete the fields below to compile your own estimate according to your specific solar requirements

Do you know what type of main switch you have?

* Why do we require this info?

Your monthly electricity bill



* Not sure what is required? - find out here!
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What type of roof you have?

* Why do we require this info?

What type of material used in roof ?

* Why do we require this info?

Distance between inverter mounting area to main DB?

* Why do we require this info?


* Why do we require this info?

Name & Surname

Contact Number

Email Address

Please fill your full address to view the roof angle.

* Why do we require this info?

By checking this box, you are agreeing to our terms of service. You can find our terms here

Please note above calculator will not work for commercial solar design and costing. Please email to our tender department on